Ranked No. 10 in the medium-sized category and No. 1 in the restaurant business category in the 2021 edition of “Best Companies to Work For”.

Thank you very much for visiting our restaurants.
FTG Company, Inc. was ranked the 10th best company in the medium-sized category and the 1st best company in the food and beverage service business category in the “Best Workplaces to Work” ranking for 2021 in Japan published by the Great Place to Work® Institute Japan (GPTW). We are proud to have received the No. 1 ranking in the food and beverage service business category.
We will continue to strive to enhance the job satisfaction of all FTG employees and to “create an exciting society by creating ‘exciting’ people”.
We look forward to your continued patronage and support.

■Great Place to Work® Institute Japanとは?
Great Place to Work® Institute Japanは、日本における「働きがいのある会社」の普及を目指し、2007年にスタートいたしました。調査には毎年約60カ国で7,000社、500万人を超える従業員が参加しており、世界最大規模の従業員意識調査となっています。
- 働く人へのアンケート…選択式設問・自由記述式設問・属性、認識を問う設問に無記名で回答
- 会社へのアンケート…企業文化や会社方針・人事施策(採用、経営層からの意見浸透、従業員からの意見聴取、人材育成、ダイバーシティ、ワークライフバランス、社会・地域貢献活動など)の具体的な取り組みを会社として回答