A copy site (fake site) of “Futago Mail Order (currently closed),” which was operated by our company, has been confirmed.
Please be aware that browsing the fake site may result in the removal of your login information or infection with a virus.
An overview of the fake site and details of the site operated by our company are as follows
■ Summary of Fake Sites ■
When you do a web search for “Futago Mail Order” or other similar terms, the corresponding fake site may appear.
In order to prevent access to the fake site, the URL will be kept private.
The design and content of the fake site is very similar to the website we used to operate.
The cart cannot be used and login is not available.
■Osaka yakiniku/horumon Futago” mail order products can be purchased from the following link.■
Mail order sales within our official “F-POINT” application
Although we are taking appropriate measures to close down fake sites, we are not responsible for any problems between customers and fake sites,
However, we are not responsible for any problems between customers and the fake sites.
We ask our customers to be very careful.